The Back Pack follows the Fairfax County Public School calendar from the first day of school to the last day of school. We will be closed on holidays as observed by FCPS as well as follow all emergency procedures, closings, and delays.
Our doors open for Before Care at 6:30 am.
The After Care program closes at 6:15 pm.
We provide transportation to and from your child's school at their bell times.
The Back Pack offers all-day care on select days when FCPS are closed. Check our calendar below for a complete look at the school year. The FCPS calendar can be found here.
Each family will be required to RSVP for each all-day care offered throughout the school year. Each family will incur a $25 fee per child. However, the fee will be removed if your RSVP indicates not attending. Families must RSVP to ensure appropriate staffing needs and adequate all-day materials are purchased.

The Back Pack offers care and early pick-up on FCPS Early Release Mondays. Check our calendar below for a complete look at the school year. The FCPS half day Mondays schedule can be found here.
Each family is required to RSVP for each early release day offered throughout the school year. Each family will incur a $15 fee per child for each Early . However, the fee will be removed if your RSVP indicates not attending. Families must RSVP to ensure appropriate staffing needs and adequate materials and snacks are on hand.
Holidays and inclement weather decisions follow the Fairfax County Public School System.
Please note that Back Pack has additional days open/closed.

August 19th: First Day of School
August 30th: Labor Day Holiday CLOSED
September 2nd: Labor Day Holiday CLOSED
September 16th: Three-Hour-Early Release OPEN
October 3rd: FCPS Holiday, Back Pack OPEN
October 4th: Teacher Work Day OPEN
October 14th: Indigenous Peoples' Day CLOSED
October 21st: Three-Hour-Early-Release OPEN
October 31st: Two-Hour-Early-Release OPEN

November 1st: FCPS Holiday, Back Pack OPEN
November 4th: Teacher Work Day OPEN
November 5th: Teacher Work Day OPEN
November 11th: Veterans' Day CLOSED
November 18th: Three-Hour-Early-Release OPEN
November 27th – 29th: Thanksgiving Break CLOSED
December 23rd – January 3rd: Winter Break CLOSED
January 20th: MLK Jr Day Holiday CLOSED

January 29th: Teacher Work Day OPEN
February 10th: Three-Hour-Early Release OPEN
February 17th: Presidents' Day CLOSED
March 10th: Three-Hour-Early-Release OPEN

March 31st: FCPS Holiday, Back Pack OPEN
April 1st: Teacher Work Day OPEN
April 14th - 18th: Spring Break CLOSED
April 21st: Three-Hour-Early-Release
May 12th: Three-Hour-Early-Release
May 26th: Memorial Day CLOSED
June 11th: Two-Hour-Early-Release OPEN
June 11th: Last Day of School
The Back Pack follows the decisions of the FCPS system with regard to delayed openings, cancellations, and early dismissals due to inclement weather. The Back Pack is open for all enrolled students for delayed openings due to inclement weather. On unexpected and scheduled early dismissal days only students enrolled in After Care will be picked up early from school.
When FCPS makes a decision to close school all day due to inclement weather, the Back Pack will be closed for the day as well.
On days when FCPS opens late, The Back Pack will make every effort to open at 6:30 am. The students will be transported to school at the delayed opening time. After Care students are welcome to attend Before Care when delayed school openings occur, if space permits, for a $15 drop in fee.
On days that FCPS closes early due to inclement weather, The Back Pack will pick up students enrolled in After Care from school at the early dismissal time. Before Care students are welcome to attend After Care when early closings occur, if space permits, for a $15 drop in fee.
The Back Pack will make every effort to be open until 6:15 pm. In the event of severe weather conditions, utility problems, or other emergencies, families may be contacted to pick up students early.
No fee adjustments or refunds will be given for The Back Pack closings due to snow, weather, energy problems, emergencies, unanticipated calendar changes, COVID-19 closures, or early pick-ups.
Fairfax County Public Schools’ last day is Wednesday, June 11th, 2025. The last day of service for The Back Pack will also be Wednesday, June 11th, 2025. Should inclement weather dictate that FCPS be extended, The Back Pack will NOT provide service beyond Wednesday, June 11th, 2025. This policy is greatly due to the fact that Camp Whatakid begins as scheduled on Monday, June 16th, 2025.
No refunds will be given for any days that are scheduled by FCPS outside of the original calendar which is posted at the beginning of the school year. Should FCPS determine to end school early and dismiss students before Wednesday, June 11th, 2025 due to unused inclement weather days, the last day of service at The Back Pack will coincide with FCPS’ newly determined official last day of school.
The only Teacher Work Days that are serviced by The Back Pack are those scheduled on the original FCPS calendar posted prior to the first day of school.